Dropshipping Business in the UK

By Oscar, Last updated on April 26, 2024

What is a dropshipping business? And everything about the Dropshipping Business.

Dropshipping Business in the UK

Table of Contents

  1. You need to know before you start your journey to dropshipping business.
  2. What is a dropshipping business?
  3. Dropshipping in the UK
  4. What are the best e-commerce platforms in the UK
    • Shopify
    • BigCommerce
    • WooCommerce
    • Wix
  5. Dropshipping Suppliers in the UK
    • AliExpress
    • Avasam
    • AW Dropship
    • Baumhaus
    • CJdropshipping
    • Clothes2order
    • eSources
    • Go Dropship
    • Power Body
    • Printify
    • SaleHoo
    • Syncee
    • TBTrade
    • The Wholesaler
    • Wholesale Deals
  6. Take action now.

You need to know before you start your journey to dropshipping business.

First of all, we must realize that dropshipping is definitely not a site to make quick money. Dropshipping can be a long-term business, in fact, this is just a new model of online stores, and there will be more and more such stores in the future.

What is a dropshipping business?

Dropshipping is a strategy where store owners do not directly manage and distribute their product inventory. When an order is received, the company sends the order's details to a third party to complete the order on its behalf.

Dropshipping in the UK

The first thing you need to know is not the domain, e-commerce app, long keywords, SEO, niche markets, etc. What you need to know is what your audience needs. If you don't have an audience, don't try Dropshipping. It will only make you lose money, and high advertising fees and website fees will make you desperate quickly.

If you have a way to get your audience, then congratulations. Dropshipping suits you. You need to know what your audience needs. If your audience is your friends, colleagues, and classmates, you need to think about their needs. And you can use them as a starting point to expand your audience. If you have a lot of followers, then it is also suitable to use Dropshipping to increase your revenue.

What are the best e-commerce platforms in the UK

The e-commerce platform will be the base of your Dropshipping store. It allows you to receive credit card payments immediately. And of course, you can use email and PayPal to accept payments from customers, but it looks very unprofessional to you.

Here are several different e-commerce platforms, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. There is no doubt that if you want to start your sales quickly, Shopify is your best choice, saving you a lot of time and leaving more time to focus on your marketing.


Shopify's pricing plans range from $29 to $299 per month. The only thing you need to care about when using Shopify is its price. There are plenty of tutorials on its website to teach you how to use its programs.

The only thing to be reminded of is that don't try to use an extra payment module at the beginning. It will only eat into your profits.


BigCommerce's pricing plan is similar to Shopify's, ranging from $29.95 to $299.95 per month.

We still recommend using Shopify. The higher the market share of Internet companies, the more competitive services they will provide.


It is free but also the most expensive. It would help if you spent a lot of time building your store. You may have missed the highest opportunity when you learn to make your store.


If you build a simple website, you will use Wix to be a good solution or use PayPal to sell your products. You do not need more complex features. Wix will be your cost-effective choice. Use Shopify if you need to accept credit card payments and a complete online store.

Dropshipping Suppliers in the UK



AW Dropship





Go Dropship

Power Body





The Wholesaler

Wholesale Deals

Take action now.

  1. Use 10 minutes to think of a business name.
  2. Use 20 minutes to set up your Shopify online store.
  3. Use 12 hours to select your Dropshipping product.
  4. Sell your product to your audience right away.
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